GROUP 35 - Music Video 2008/9: Pitch

Monday 8 September 2008


Song: BEAST, Vincent Vincent and the Villans

Initial ideas
-silhouette of man talking to woman, projected as the beast.
-Man and women arguing, man singing.
-both characters in masks which cover only half their face.
-'The rain pounding down on my window' (line of the song) shot of rain pouring down a window.
-locations will be a bedroom,
-Acoustic guitar, drums, Gloomy bedroom
-representation of a heart ripping
-using a beast as an emotional journey, Person go into a crowd of people with a white tee-shirt on, people in the crowd representing different things/ emotions. come out of the crowd with black ripped tee-shirt on. (see video below from 3 mins 40 seconds)


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