GROUP 35 - Music Video 2008/9: First filming shoot

Sunday, 5 October 2008

First filming shoot

On Friday, the group came to my house to get so of the shots we had thought about and tested for our final music video.
The footage we got was good, but we found we came to a bit of a dead end after the first verse. However we decided to get as much filming done as possible on Friday, load it onto our computer on monday and re-evaluate what it is we need to add to the final footage.
The footage we did get was as followed:
-First shot of two characters staring at each other, with camera circling them, in the dark and gloomy bedroom.
-The breaking of the heart on the tee shirt.
-The verbal fighting match between the couple.
-the rain pouring down on the window.
-And the band members playing on the instruments

Some of these sot we all though were a bit cleche, but others seemed to work really well. We are going to evaluate everything which we shot on monday in our lesson.



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