GROUP 35 - Music Video 2008/9: Feedback

Monday, 10 November 2008


We handed out feedback slips around the class after completing editing the final. The following areas were commented on, with good and bad points.

Performance/ Lip-syncing
Good points
'Lip-synced well' 'Performance good' 'guitars well in sync'

Bad Points
'Martha was slightly out' 'some clips slightly lacked enthusiasm'

Relationships between music and visuals
Good points
'Breaks my heart, good visual link' 'very good use of basics of tears and heart breaking' 'Matching lyrics with visuals'

Camera Work
Good points
'Variety of interesting shots' 'Interested the whole time' 'Interesting angles'

Bad points
'Needed to have filmed each individual..

Good points
'Good fades, editing fits with music' 'Tears that broke your heart are really clever'

Bad points
'Sloppy at times' 'Clips sometimes are too long'

Mise-en-scene> costumes, locations, and props
Good points
'bedroom location is exclent, links with lyrics' 'Church scene was excellent'

Bad points
'maybe more locations needed?'


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